The world according to Nilsbob
I also like the sport of diving which I find very exciting. I usually go diving in Norway where my buddy "The Bult" has his diving centre. You do not find the beaches very appealing there, but the diving is excellent. When you do take a trip to a forign country it's great to know the language which is not to hard to pick up for an intelligent person. If you want to find out more about Bulten and his business you can do so here. I can also recommend Aquaholics which has some pretty good and useful stuff.
Another great adventure of mine is to ride my mountainbike. This is a sport that I also picked up in Vail CO, where else!! Anyhow there are only a few things that beats the feeling of climbing a mountain for two hours and then speed down the same hill with your buddies. It's very close to skiing and that means freedom!! Before you go out there to do what you have to do, check out this excellent mountainbike page where you can find a lot of interesting things for that bike of yours. If you're in the neigbourhood check this bike shop out, they've got the stuff and the service
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