The world according to Nilsbob


Lehmkuhl ship In the summer I like to go sailing in the Norwegian archipilago. But not on any boat, it has to be big one. Like a tall ship. As a matter of fact I like to go sailing where ever there is a Tall Ship.

My favorite among these ships is the "Statsraad Lehmkuhl" where you can enjoy your cruise from the mast. It's a small climb aloft from the deck in the main mast to the top yard (main royal brace) 48 meters up in the air. Here you can take advantage of the wievs around the horizon.

Aboard you can participate in all the activities that the regular crew is doing. Set sails, there are a varity of headsails and staysails, furling the squaresails, watch dueties, learn how to tie knots and so forth.

Sleeping in a hammock is one of the more pieceful ways of resting your body after a long day on deck. Take the chance and relax from the daily duties and enjoy your time off.

When the sun sets the captain comes out in his trunks and sing old sailers songs. If you wanna find out all about these beautiful tall skips size, crew, pictures and so forth do not hesitate to visit the ships in the virutual reality.

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